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Last Seen: May 27, 2024

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  • 96 Reviews
2664 Followers 1946 Likes
Last Seen: May 27, 2024



You know donate to evaluate more speak the truth I tried to see who was disappointed've seen it with you more repeated detail I was naked my P or rose Our not recommend even Muitoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Undecided not changed As I speak is within you not recommend me no disappointment had to more Not wanting to return Because I thought it might be the most day and it's not you in every way until I lead our things I'm too disappointed I don't recommend I'm more than my NICK I won't choose a thing and not be I'm not like that I'm sincere in everything I say words too everything I expose everything I'm too sad

Sarita Mel
lets go! Dude I could come here and do the same screw you but I'm not going down the level I'll just say a few things I was polite to you but like the other time but preferred to be boring and not romantic affectionate as is yours Nick we had everything to have a nice conversation but you like a scratched record repeat the same phrase over and over again you don't know how to be direct and still call me indecisive, baby i know what i want and a guy like you never want to meet because i'm good company for a boring guy like you and as you yourself said don't recommend me either I don't recommend you kkk if your dick didn't really go up with the conversation it couldn't go up like I didn't have a bit of horny 😜 and if you're sad I can do anything my part I did to attend you politely and With respect, now I didn't know how to enjoy it 😘 and you don't need to go back to my room with the story you wanted about the other chance because man like you can have several days that will be the same, it doesn't change at all 😜 take care 01/07/2022
Sarita Mel

Sarita Mel


Many may not read what I'm going to write but unfortunately I'm going to take a break from the site because I thought that a place that would give me pleasure because I came here to have fun meeting new people but it caused me everything that I had saved for years was healing. which is depression here I found nice men but 90% who came into my room were jerks in order to get over my psyche and they really did it and I say but I don't want any of you or your family members to go through this you don't know what It's suffered and painful, you can't imagine a daily struggle with myself, one side wanting to live the other to die because it feels useless and unfortunately I got it here congratulations to the assholes who think men who don't know how to treat a woman think that it's just a case of getting here and take a fucking handjob many of you are so frustrated in your lives that instead of talking to relieve stress but you prefer to take it out on us the worst way and leave and stay with the same frustration and here we are frustrated in the same way do you think right?....

jomilson12345 I understand you and I agree. I've been accessing it here for almost 3 years and I'm also decreasing the frequency. THE
Sarita Mel
Thank you for the affection❤️ 12/27/2021
timidosafado69 I'm sorry about that, you're right to give you a break from all of this, recover and get better 🙏🏼 and despite that feeling, you're not useless... it's important in the world, it has a special place in many people's ❤ and still will achieve great things, it looks very beautiful ❤
Sarita Mel
Thank you so much for the words 😘 12/24/2021
Sarita Mel

Sarita Mel

Paid Video Gain access for R$15,00
Let's watch a movie?

Nothing better than taking a break from the movie and giving that blowjob that I love😈😈

Sarita Mel

Sarita Mel

Paid Video Gain access for R$5,00

I still love doing anal with him but with my favorite plug toy😈

chuck12345 Delicious
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