Masha Subscribe

  • 602 Reviews
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Last Seen: 4 hours ago
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Masha Subscribe

  • 602 Reviews
10462 Followers 9025 Likes
Last Seen: 4 hours ago
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I wish, I want, I am, it depends, I don't know, but I would like to be more present here (social networks and the like) but there's so much rush, so many things about this adult life, you know, lately I don't even have time to talk to my friends except inconsistent messages and text messages... How do you deal with these everyday rushes?! There are many users who tell me their routine here that I am shocked and admired, perhaps inspired, because this era we are going through is not for amateurs, it is necessary to reflect and know our place and sometimes simply stop, breathe, take a mental break . I hope you do this... Look for your escapes, find and enjoy the healthy and harmful escapes, escapes of shelter and restructuring... Here I know that many are looking for this escape, and I really enjoy making you laugh and distract yourself from these routines and clichéd randomness of everyday life. ♥ For many this can go very unnoticed, in our "secret little world of CP" for those who see from the outside there is a lot of prejudice about "camgirl" - "ah you show your breasts on cam" (aaaaaaa tmnc hahaha), it would be so simple and my futility of simply showing my breasts in a live broadcast in exchange for a gift is banal, I wish I was just one of the world blindfolded by the clothes of modernity... But having been here for exactly 6 years and more than 20 nerdolas of internet, I consider you as much more than just "a virtual job talking to the guys there", anyone who is here on the platform and/or has just been following randomness for some time also knows what a world beyond here is like for visitors, right? it will never be about just pornography. A kiss. Four twenty! $ ♥ $ sex money feeling die

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