Carolina Subscribe

  • 1234 Reviews
8440 Followers 3699 Likes
Last Seen: April 29, 2024
Carolina Offline
Last Seen: April 29, 2024

Carolina Subscribe

  • 1234 Reviews
8440 Followers 3699 Likes
Last Seen: April 29, 2024

MY FAREWELL... Hello, dear ones! Well, I start this text by saying how difficult it is to write it, since, as much as I knew this moment would come, actually announcing it is, to say the least, strange. It was 3 years of many stories, meetings, reunions, building bonds and breaking them too. I had a lot of phases here, and it couldn't be any different, since I'm a true woman of phases lol. Having the opportunity to be in this place was very important to me. The site enabled financial independence that I had not imagined when I registered. Furthermore, I learned a lot about myself and experienced special moments with people that I will forever carry in my heart. As some people know, I am almost completing one of my biggest dreams, which is to graduate as a psychologist. With this new stage in my life, my academic and career demands need to be prioritized, studies are not limited to college. Furthermore, after living here for a while, I got used to the idea that my presence would be temporary. The website was a bridge for me to get to the place I always wanted: to make a living from clinical practice. For this and other personal reasons, I say goodbye to the site and you this month (April 2024). Next month, I will turn this page in my life, carrying a lot of nostalgia and gratitude for all the connections made. For anyone who feels comfortable scheduling a chat, I will wait for messages! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!❤️