DATA AND COPYRIGHT PROTECTED BY THE (DMCA) PROHIBITED TO LEAK MY MEDIA * *(Injury and defamation crime Article 139, 140 and 158 of the penal code) The General Law for the Protection of Personal Data (LGPD or LGPDP), Law nº 13.709/2018 , is the Brazilian legislation that regulates the activities of processing personal data and that also amends articles 7 and 16 of the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet. According to Law 13.718/2018, enacted on June 28, 2018, disclosing intimate materials, whether photos or videos without the consent of the other person, is a crime. The accused can face from one to five years in prison, however, the sentence can be extended if the offender has already had an intimate relationship with the victim. The legislation is based on several values, such as respect for privacy; to informative self-determination; freedom of expression, information, communication and opinion; to the inviolability of intimacy, honor and image; economic and technological development and innovation; to free initiative, free competition and consumer protection and to the human rights of freedom and dignity of people. Any UNAUTHORIZED use of my profile, video, photos or audio in any form or in a forum now or in the future is NOT permitted without my express written consent. Any act to promote or profit in any way (eg, monetarily or socially) from the use of my profile, video, photos or audio, in any way whatsoever, is a violation of my privacy and is subject to legal action. BY WATCHING THIS: You acknowledge and agree that you must not post, upload, post, transmit or otherwise make available the content on this page, including images and live video recording available for download. This is planned and presented as a one time, live, one performance only. Penalties for Copyright Infringement: By reproducing, republishing or redistributing a copyright holder's work without permission, you may be violating or infringing your rights under the Copyright Act. The copyright holder can sue for a cost of compensation from $250 to $150,000 or one year in prison. *LEGAL Don't record my camera with video. Don't capture my camera on screen. Do not use my likeness in any way. Anyone who violates any of these rules will be swiftly prosecuted under copyright law, Thank you. *PRIVACY POLICY Use of my profile, video or photos in any form online or offline, now or in the future, is not permitted without my express written consent. Any act to promote or make a profit. Att: cameraPrive/ SpyciAhri

I'm here to let you know that I'll be away. I had to have surgery and will be resting. I'd like to thank everyone for their kindness and understanding❤️🩹



Hoje qual o melhor horário pra gente se ver?

Hoje eu devo entrar pra gente se divertir que horas?
My loves, I'm back!!! Sorry for my absence, but let's enjoy it until 12/15... s2

Adivinhem quem vai aparecer hoje na minha sala?



Going mimi...Thanks to everyone who came to support us!