Love Lurdinha

  • 1696 Reviews
16105 Followers 6284 Likes
Last Seen: 16 hours ago
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Last Seen: 16 hours ago

Love Lurdinha

  • 1696 Reviews
16105 Followers 6284 Likes
Last Seen: 16 hours ago

O Lilith Goddess of the black moon Guardian of secret things Queen of the depths of the invisible Almighty woman whose sex takes root in the abysses of the earth Give me your breast so that I can drink from it Let my kidneys drink from it your liquor Holy Lilith, mother and ruler of the world Take me as your daughter and recognize me as part of your pack Print your trademark on the inside of my right wrist Let me know where I come from and who I am Please sharpen my ear to the rustling of my soul That I may detect harmony even within the chaos Teach me to be proud, imperious To walk the paths with my head held high, my gaze straight and open chest Ensure that no man ever again submits to me Help me break the chain of sacrificed women from which I come Allow me to be free Revolted Allow me to exist and let it be known Let him so be it For ever and ever Amen

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