Ale Maya

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Last Seen: 1 day ago
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Ale Maya

  • 2383 Reviews
23114 Followers 2088 Likes
Last Seen: 1 day ago
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She wants attitude! It is not the feelings that the other tells us to feel, which prove the love they feel for us; but yes, the conduits! There are women who are seduced by jewelry, or by what the other can provide them. Demanding material values, in my humble perspective, doidivanas who are content with so little. To those who are captivated by such characters, they deserve it! There are extremely picky women; but intelligent, who are not satisfied with so little. They are caught up in something rare these days; to be surprised with conduits of noble values where love or desire is explicit! She wants to see attitude, see things happening, she wants more acts than words, and zero games, something almost impossible to find in people today. Attitude!

"" .. Everything that does not match our current frequency will drift away. This includes thoughts, feelings, people, moods and patterns of life. The old is being removed and making room for the new. All the low vibrations are dissipating. Therefore, whatever does not vibrate in the same spiritual frequency, will distance itself as you come into contact with your essence, your true self. And those who are on the same vibrational frequency, will be drawn to you, and you to them. You will discover then how incredible it is when certain people appear at the right moments in the most spontaneous and divine way ... "" Excellent Weekend ⚛⚛

... Do not settle for little, do not annihilate your desires and feelings for those who do not deserve their intensities. ... Want and go in search of people and places where they support your excesses. Do not cling to the past by feeding what you know does not evolve! ... Free yourself from everything that limits you, arrests you and annihilates you! Want to be desired loved and admired for who you really are, not the character you stage for society. ... The masks fall with time, then; learn to walk with naked souls out there! Scan the world of your soul and you will be seen as unique and incomparable, not as a prototype of personality demanded by society. Do not be afraid to be you !.

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