Brune Chaude

  • 3104 Reviews
28567 Followers 104686 Likes
Last Seen: October 18, 2022
Brune Chaude Offline Last Seen: October 18, 2022

Brune Chaude

  • 3104 Reviews
28567 Followers 104686 Likes
Last Seen: October 18, 2022

Hi, how are you guys? I come here to say why I deleted all my contents here. I'm suffering from various types of attacks on social media. There are some people who come here on the site just to want to screw with our lives. They took my photos and videos from here and in addition to posting them on various porn sites, they started scamming people impersonating me. These men and women think it's cool and fun to take our pictures and sell them around. At least pretend they sell because they offer huge packages for a measly price and then the person thinks they're getting a good deal because they're going to buy a bunch of videos for a shitload of money. Then the person pays and then is blocked. Only now the thing is getting out of hand. People are threatening people using my photos saying that I'm a thug's wife and much more… Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a right and worthy person. I would never deceive anyone more for 30 reais. I am very sad about all this. Very shaken because it is my face and my credibility that is at stake. Every day that goes by I feel more powerless and maybe that's what this person wants, right. From now on I thank everyone who asked me the reason for the disappearance. For now I will leave no video until this is resolved. And you who come here in my room just to do this evil to me know that I do not wish you bad. I just want you to stop because it's ruining my life. Put yourself a little in the shoes of the other and review your concepts. 😢

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