Important rules: - Be POLITE, have a good day, how are you? It won't hurt you! I do not tolerate LACK OF RESPECT, anyone who does will be blocked! Treat me well and you will be treated even better! - Want to talk about fetishes and something you like? You can call simply, we'll talk about it there and we'll move on to private/exclusive. - Despite being virtual, I like meeting real people, and I like even more being treated equally, here I am not your employee, so I will only do what I feel willing, and you have the option of calling me or not. - REMEMBER THAT THIS IS A SITE WITH REAL PEOPLE AND NOT ROBOTS. Want something robotic? Go watch some porn. - Want quickies? GIVE GIFTS! - Say goodbye at the end of the show, if you don't say goodbye, I won't help you next time. BE KIND ♡