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Mel Sghazzini Subscribe

  • 374 Reviews
5248 Followers 5533 Likes
Last Seen: 1 hour ago
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Days and times of the next lives: 12/21 - from 11pm 12/22 and 12/27 - from 2pm to 5pm, and then early in the morning, from 11pm (available for appointments at other times) 12/28 - from 11pm, and I'm here all night ❤️ Remembering that there are still three spots available, for personalized content to be delivered by 12/24, so come on, guarantee no Christmas presents hahah And that's it, loves! I'll be available for these four days, then only next year (I still don't know the date I'll be back, but follow me through my stories, I'll always be chatting with you there). Happy end of the year to all of us ❤️

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