Good evening, my phone broke, I have no idea when I'll be able to get it fixed. So don't expect many posts on the fanclub. I've already warned about the frequency before, now unfortunately it's going to get worse. Kisses and the chats continue 💕
Guys, just to let you know that I still don't have my phone. What I post on the fanclub, stories (mainly) are videos that I made a long time ago and that I repost. I'm sharing this not because anyone asked me or told me about it, but to maintain transparency with you 💕 when I return, I'll let you know. Kisses and a great end of the year to everyone! Thank you for everything! 💕
Just letting you know that I'll be visiting the site less frequently! If you have any questions, send me a message 😘
Hey Angels, I want to thank you for all the reviews so far. If it weren't for a user mentioning how good they are, I wouldn't have even read them. Do I care about the reviews? YES! Do I seem to? NO! Ahaha, but those who talk to me understand my way of being (I hope so). And honestly, by coincidence or not, when I stop to read it is at the moments when I need it most, it ends up becoming a hug, you know? 💕
Art through my body: the canvas of my soul
Guys, just to let you know that I still don't have my phone. What I post on the fanclub, stories (mainly) are videos that I made a long time ago and that I repost. I'm sharing this not because anyone asked me or told me about it, but to maintain transparency with you 💕 when I return, I'll let you know. Kisses and a great end of the year to everyone! Thank you for everything! 💕
Just letting you know that I'll be visiting the site less frequently! If you have any questions, send me a message 😘
Hey Angels, I want to thank you for all the reviews so far. If it weren't for a user mentioning how good they are, I wouldn't have even read them. Do I care about the reviews? YES! Do I seem to? NO! Ahaha, but those who talk to me understand my way of being (I hope so). And honestly, by coincidence or not, when I stop to read it is at the moments when I need it most, it ends up becoming a hug, you know? 💕
Art through my body: the canvas of my soul