Sua Comissária Subscribe

  • 942 Reviews
12327 Followers 3656 Likes
Last Seen: 2 days ago
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Last Seen: 2 days ago

Sua Comissária Subscribe

  • 942 Reviews
12327 Followers 3656 Likes
Last Seen: 2 days ago

Closing a cycle. To all of you who have followed me all these years, I come to inform you that I am definitively leaving, not only from cameraprive, but I am ending my career as a camgirl. It's been more than 10 years broadcasting, just here on camera, it's been 9. During all this time I had the privilege of meeting many people who, in some way, changed the course of my life. Here I made friends that I will cherish forever, I fell in love several times, and I dedicated myself to delivering entertainment, care and attention to users that, for me, go beyond their nicknames. Here I learned stories that I will never forget. You were with me through life's troubles, and shared in many of my good moments (and some crazy ones) too. Many here knew my story far beyond the flight attendant, Julia, Bia... If you are my follower, you know that it has been a long time since I have reduced my frequency of visits, a lot has changed in my life in recent times and they have led me to a path opposite to this. I was very reluctant to make this decision, I think it was one of the most difficult I've ever had to make, but also the most anticipated. The time has finally come to end this cycle, thank you for being part of it. For the next 2 days (Thursday and Friday) I will be online morning, afternoon and night, so I can say goodbye to you. For anyone interested in a final chat, it will be a pleasure to serve you one last time. To my crushes, followers, friends and loves, With affection, DAIANE.

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