About me

  • 429 Reviews

I'M ON every day, sometimes in the morning from 9 am to 12 pm or in the afternoon from 3 pm to 8 pm here you can talk to me at ease about any topic! getting naked will depend on your chat or the present!

Group Chat

Here is a space where we can talk, fantasize about various things you want and let a nice chat flow!

Private and Exclusive

PRIVATE - Here my attention is ALL YOURS, but the chat ñ, because we will have the cia of voyeurs, I call audio, I have options of toys that WE CAN use, it will depend on you to cause me this desire, I like to let the chat flow and let it happen within my limits and tastes, I don't have a programmatic chat, I appreciate the exchange of experience with education, naughtiness and pleasure. EXCLUSIVE - here it is just ME AND VC, something more intimate.

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