About me

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, I'm 20 years old, it seems? I study and am fascinated by gastronomy, in fact gastronomy is my life, apart from gastronomy I work in a restaurant. because from an early age I have been very ''independent'' and I have always enjoyed chasing after achieving my things, because for me there is no more satisfying feeling of being able to pursue your dreams, so I entered the private school to pay for my studies, and also show some of my work. I have a dream of maybe one day being able to open my own restaurant 🥰 I love going out and enjoying wine, and one of my favorite hobbies is traveling to see new places, I like soft arts and I'm passionate about bodybuilding, I love cooking after training I feel inspired to create new dishes. I like interesting and intelligent conversations, and like every woman I love receiving gifts. A good chat for me is the beginning of everything because kindness breeds kindness, surprise me and you will get my best. Because I don't like pressure, so please be EDUCATED.

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