I want to take advantage of this comment to talk about a difficulty that people don't think about, which is the difficulty of being a beautiful woman. Do you think it's easy to wake up every day and look at yourself in the mirror? Yes, I know it's easy. But I suffer from the envy of others and no one talks about it! I want to fight for this cause! Beautiful women also suffer and deserve respectkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk I stopped.
I want to take advantage of this comment to talk about a difficulty that people don't think about, which is the difficulty of being a beautiful woman. Do you think it's easy to wake up every day and look at yourself in the mirror? Yes, I know it's easy. But I suffer from the envy of others and no one talks about it! I want to fight for this cause! Beautiful women also suffer and deserve respectkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk I stopped. 11/01/2024