Rádio Carunha informs that all people who participate in the live are duly registered on the Platform, following a Script and within a Controlled environment and laws in force in our country. If you notice a real situation where the Seller is being exposed in vexatious and abusive content. Report it to 181 for Internet crimes. We cannot tolerate crime of any kind in our community. Criminals belong in jail and not doing Lives!
Rádio Carunha informs that all people who participate in the live are duly registered on the Platform, following a Script and within a Controlled environment and laws in force in our country. If you notice a real situation where the Seller is being exposed in vexatious and abusive content. Report it to 181 for Internet crimes. We cannot tolerate crime of any kind in our community. Criminals belong in jail and not doing Lives! ago5d