Maria Izabel

  • 158 Reviews
1620 Followers 445 Likes
Last Seen: August 14, 2024
Maria Izabel Offline Last Seen: August 14, 2024

Maria Izabel

  • 158 Reviews
1620 Followers 445 Likes
Last Seen: August 14, 2024
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 1  5:25

My loves! In almost a year on the platform (because I need it), I only have reviews of you being beautiful, affectionate, hot, full of lust and affection! Thank you all for this 🥰! But, unfortunately, people appear, who come in with the intention of ruining my day, diminishing me as a human being, without even exchanging a single word with me! In exchange for what? Don't be people like that! Embarrassing yourself by talking about someone's physique or foul words is not cool! The world is already so intolerant and full of evil... I'm here exclusively to do good to you in every way! A kiss! 🔥😘 ❤️

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