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Last Seen: 7 hours ago

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Last Seen: 7 hours ago



“Only through art can we go beyond ourselves, know what another sees in this universe which is not the same as ours, and whose landscapes would have remained as unknown to us as those which may be in the moon. Thanks to art, instead of seeing a single world, ours, we see it multiplying, and, as many as there are original artists, we have as many worlds at our disposal, each more different from each other. other than those which roll into infinity and, many centuries after the hearth from which it emanated has been extinguished, whether it was called Rembrandt or Ver Meer, still send us their special ray. » Proust, Time Regained, 1922, p. 895.

What a beautiful message, thank you for coming to see my world, you made it so much better and thank you for letting me know a little about your story🩷💋 ago4d



“Writing is translating, even when we are using our own language. We transport what we see and feel to a conventional code of signs, writing... and we leave the responsibility for reaching the reader's intelligence to the circumstances and accidents of communication, not so much the integrity of the experience we set out to transmit... But a shadow, at least, of what deep down in our spirit we know is untranslatable, for example... The pure emotion of an encounter, the amazement of a discovery, that fleeting moment of silence before the word that will remain in the word. memory like the trail of a dream that time will not completely erase.” (José Saramago)

you left me full of desire and lust for you, I want to convey everything I feel through signs🫦 ago4d
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