Advice to get around a deadly hangover: 1- Don't drink! (Huh?) 2- Drink water (I don't use hard drugs) 3- Swear to God that you'll never drink again in your life! (Hi?) 4- Stay Drunk! (I bet my chips here) 5- 1 Engov, 1 Epocler, 1 Novalgina 1G, 1 Sonrisal, and everything else you can find in your pharmacy! 6- Enjoy tasty! (heals everything!) The million dollar question: will I rise like a phoenix from the ashes and appear fully in chat today????
Modus Operandi: Enemy of the end!
🥕 🥚🐰 Let's go, Easter isn't over yet! I want to make a video on request! It's not every day you find a bunny that generous! LOL! The winning idea will receive the video totally free by message!!! kiss
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Sunday is the day of? Over here: cleaning! Who wants a cleaning lady there? Full service!
Over here, cold, sweater, breasts and a nightcap... Ready for a good night or good morning!