Ju Julie Subscribe

  • 233 Reviews
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Last Seen: 21 hours ago
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Ju Julie Subscribe

  • 233 Reviews
2826 Followers 1607 Likes
Last Seen: 21 hours ago
Ju Julie

Ju Julie


She told me, whispering in my ear that she was dying to taste me. The words gave me uncontrollable shivers, I wanted to give my honey madly, she touched me and felt that I was sliding with desire, and went on to say, I wanted to lick that honey while her lover enjoyed his body. Her hand roamed over my breasts, my desire slowly trickling down my legs screamed for her touch, so intense and soft at the same time. The three of us intertwine, dominated by desire, the touch, the kiss, the tongue, and the voice in the ear saying: you are delicious. #short story

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lucasmurphy You are delicious!