
Nani Danger

Nani Danger

Paid Video R$5,00

The hottest striptease you'll see today 🔥 #hot




This is another one of my photos to make you want something you can never have! hahaha The smell and taste would make you addicted 💦 #tasty

Miss Trophy Wife

Miss Trophy Wife


#hot Maybe no one will tell you what I'm going to write. Because not everyone wants the best for you if it means telling the truth instead of patting your ass and not losing your "brother". I'm sorry, but I don't mince my words, much less my fingers. And unlike those who want to see you in the same old shit, I don't agree with that. Look, quality time is an invaluable asset, because all we really have is our time, and it's precious. So, there's nothing better than being satisfied with your own company, since only in this way can we enjoy this time with equally valuable people. If there's one thing I don't accept, it's having my time stolen. Oh, that's just not going to happen! Whoever tries will end up dying of starvation. After all, empty conversations, unnecessary drama, pornography, vulgarity and selfish complaints are not topics that interest healthy adults. And if, by chance, you felt hurt by my message, know that it says more about you than it does about me. In other words, you have seen yourself in the mirror and now you have two alternatives: The first is to continue believing that the world owes you something, that people owe you something, that I owe you something. If you follow this path, you will remain an eternal crybaby, an insufferable complainer who only finds patience in his own mother. And I say a prayer for her, because no one deserves to live with a man who cannot overcome the little emperor syndrome. The second alternative (and the only really valid one) is to accept your inner chaos and recognize your imperfections. Instead of complaining, work on your strengths and become someone who is truly worth the oxygen you breathe. You are the master of your life, and until you leave the shadow of your anima, you will continue to be stuck in the same place. Therefore, learn to channel your fury and develop it in a productive way. I know that, at this moment, you may even feel like a pigeon, but remember: you are not your thoughts, even though what you think defines who you are. So, go pump iron, play sports with other men, and run away from your mother's skirt. Otherwise, she will unconsciously castrate you and keep you as a little brat. Men are shaped by facing life, not by complaining about it. So, grow up. Increase your testosterone. Become useful, helpful, supportive, and generous. Only then, who knows, will we be able to enjoy quality time together. Trust me: virility and responsibility generate admiration. And, at the end of the day, no one loves what they don't admire – least of all me. If you don't respect yourself and don't see yourself as a man of value, what do you think you'll see in other people? Only your own distorted reflection. The truth is that the only one responsible for your results will always be yourself. So, stop being so dramatic and make the best of what life has given you. I am abundant and have no interest in meeting someone who is scarce and doesn't make good use of their time. The answer is simple: no, I don't want to. In chemistry, like dissolves like. Likewise, I only have time for those who are on the same polarity as me. If I were a molecule, I would be nonpolar. Therefore, if you do not have a capacity similar to mine, I tell you, clearly and sweetly: no. This is my position, and this space is not a democracy. Only the strong and the fittest survive – Darwin never goes out of style. Therefore, if you come, come to add, not to subtract. My grace is not for everyone, but for those who earn it. If you want to receive it without deserving it, you are nothing more than a selfish person wanting to take more than you deserve – which borders on theft. I thank, however, the good guy who does not fit this description: the one who is light, handsome, well-adjusted and generous. He does me good and receives this good multiplied from me. Yes, my room is an oligarchy, not a democracy. My space, my limit, my rules. And, to those who deserve it, I offer a delicious quality time.

ForeverFriend What a text! I loved it.
Miss Trophy Wife
Thank you! You are very kind! ago17d
Isis Angel 24

Isis Angel 24


    Your days can be lighter, and at the same time intense, you are the one who has the dose all the time. Happiness is that of those who know and appreciate pleasant company. ✨✨ Better days await us❤️ #hot

    gostoso-70774 One word... PERFECT.
    Isis Angel 24
    Your eyes my dear🥰 ago17d
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