Saturday surrendered! #geek
Looking at it like that, it doesn't even look like he curses playing haha #geek
luis-carlospb Where is this beautiful brunette? Longing.
This week was #geek Pride Day 💗🤓 Are you a nerdo too? Do you have a passion for a series/anime/game/comics?
I finished today to see the last season of attack on titan, what do you think will happen in the second part? (No spoilers for those who read the manga) #geek
cristian420 Miss you bb 💖💖💖💖
This weekend I decided to marathon the Final Space series, what an incredible series, I can't help but laugh or get emotional, and how is your weekend? #geek
Elen power lùmenna yomentielmo #geek
Testing ... does it have the hashtag #geek?
A little picture of your geek with some things I like! I really want to make a pack with several easter eaggs hidden but this would include me with a lingerie from the teddy bears ... So, I think general broxaria! 😅😂🤣 #geek
, qOnline until 17 😋 #geek
dickeuro What a spectacle of women 🥵🤩