I am the sun in which you warm up and feed. I am the moon you howl. I am the dream of the day bringing faith and conviction. I'm the nightmare you're crawling through, so watch me set everything on fire. #Goddess
MSPCar How much color, how much…
Delighted slushy or hydrated soles, hahahaha. #Goddess
My birthday is coming and I just want you to adore me and pamper me
This afternoon was coffee at Olympus hahah Goddesses gathered. Who knows what my drink is? #goddess
Kneeling and worshiping is an honor #goddess
Your body is light and seduction. A divine poem, full of splendor. #goddess
Delight of wine and #goddess woman
Stop what you're doing and admire your doormat queen 🍑 #Goddess
How does it feel to look at me and know you'll never have a woman like me? #Goddess
#goddess 🥵
dico1910 Look at the size of this raba