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  • 1939 Reviews
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It is common to live on automatic. We have it all planned out. The day is always full of activities. And so we live, almost without realizing the passage from one year to the next. And so life goes by, at a frightening speed. Everything I do with my life, every little choice, I decided it would be this way. I could eat pasta, but I chose rice and beans. I could read Plato, but I chose Ortega y Gasset. And every choice, from the banal to the super important, made me who I am. I am what I chose to be. One of the core of Sartre's Existentialism Is Humanism is man's responsibility for his own actions, and it is not appropriate to justify his decisions based on passion or any external force. The values that guide our lives, therefore, have no ultimate foundation other than that which we give them by a free decision. No moral system allows us to do without the option and responsibility in the face of the option. Says Sartre, in Existentialism Is Humanism: "The existentialist does not believe in the power of passion. He will never admit that a beautiful passion is a devastating current that leads man, fatally, to certain acts, and that, consequently, it is an excuse He considers that man is responsible for his passion. The existentialist will never think, either, that man can get the help of any sign that guides him in the world, because he considers that it is man himself who deciphers the sign as well understands. Think, therefore, that man, without support and help, is condemned to invent man at every moment." The three central points presented by Sartre in the quoted passage are the following: 1°) First, Sartre figures here the hypothesis of a passion that determines an act, as for example in a violent jealousy that leads to crime. He rejects it, stating that, if the hypothesis is accepted, passion becomes "an excuse" and thus the man would not be "responsible". Sartre opposes this "power of passion", in which the existentialist does not believe, with "responsibility". One is not jealous in the same way that one has blue eyes: jealousy is not a nature for me, but a creation. 2°) Next, Sartre states that there is no sign that guides man. It is true that, for example, one can interpret a succession of events as a sign that one should not travel or a frustrated love, as a sign that one should remain single. For Sartre, the sign is not the work of fate, but it only signals after man has deciphered it, and he deciphers it "as he sees fit"; the signal is itself mute. 3°) Finally, it follows that man creates for himself what he will be (his existence precedes his essence), and he creates without a transcendent norm to guide himself (he creates "without support and without help"). But he doesn't just create; he is "condemned" to do so. But freedom is not a pity. By "condemned" it is only to be understood that man, in all situations, cannot not choose. This is the only – necessary – restriction on freedom. Necessary, because there could not be a situation in which man, before existing, would decide between "being free" and "not being free". As long as one exists, one is necessarily free. "To be responsible for what each one is": this demanding thesis has as a first consequence a total responsibility, not only in relation to our actions, but in relation to what we are, not only for ourselves, but also for the set of other beings. humans. One of the great theories of Contemporary Philosophy is existentialism. With existentialism, Sartre is breaking with several essentialist conceptions of Modern Philosophy. #fetish

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