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  • 1879 Reviews
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Fetishism is a form of paraphilia. People with fetishes may feel sexually stimulated and satisfied in a variety of ways, such as: Wearing someone else's underwear Wearing rubber or leather Holding, rubbing, or smelling objects, such as high-heeled shoes If sexual arousal originates mainly when If a person wears the clothing of the opposite sex (i.e., cross-dresses) rather than wearing the clothing otherwise, paraphilia is considered transvestism. It is possible that a person with fetishism disorder may not be able to perform sexual activity without their fetishes. The fetish may replace normal sexual activity with a partner or may be integrated into sexual activity with a compliant partner. For most people who have a fetish, their behavior does not meet the criteria for a disorder because it does not cause significant distress, interfere with the performance of routine functions, or harm others. Since Krafft-Ebing's books, I have noticed the controversy that fetishism causes in whether or not it is labeled as a disorder or disorder. In my personal opinion, I believe that everything that is done for personal pleasure and satisfaction, with consensus and security for those involved and within the legality, must be understood and respected in favor of our freedom as human beings to practice what suits us best. And you, what do you think about it? #fetish

jukinhatarado Perfect perfect perfect. With you is where I will be understood