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  • 1935 Reviews
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Erogenous masochism, as one of the forms of masochism from which all the others unfold, would also be a phenomenon that paradoxically can combine within itself experiences of pleasure and displeasure, experiences that are fundamental for the constitution and continuity of the psychic apparatus. It is under the influence of this amalgamation that the destructiveness inherent to a supposed pure, absolute and immediate experience of pleasure or displeasure can then be avoided. In economic terms, the advent of masochism means that both the accumulation of excitations and their discharge are experienced in a relative way, and this means that the psychic circuit is not interrupted. It is in this context that Rosemberg rescues the importance of temporality and internal rhythm, because for the internal experience of an excitement to be possible, “a waiting-delay time is necessary-obligatory; it is necessary to leave temporal punctuality and replace it with a possible temporal succession.”2 This time of waiting-postponement, perhaps the essence of erogenous masochism, is understood here as the psyche's ability to withstand pain and displeasure: it would be necessary to learn to support the excitement within each one's waiting time, guaranteeing the experience of internal continuity. In other words, the masochistic nucleus, in this sense, the guardian of psychic life, establishes the feeling of internal duration and temporality, thus operating as a first form of organization of the self. #fetish

zefiro-55293 Pain and pleasure, good and evil, silence and sound, light and dark are inherently dialectical dichotomies. Waiting has non-linear time: when we get there, we wait again. Does our psyche mimic the quantum and relative life of the multiverse? Synthesis masochism?
dj-filho-2 ravishing