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Filósofa Subscribe

  • 1879 Reviews
11930 Followers 9710 Likes
Last Seen: 3 hours ago



Today is the ideal time to talk dirty. But no threesomes, wild sex and perverse practices, I'm sorry. Yes, I want to talk about the things they did to us. They made us believe that love, real love, only happens once, usually before the age of 30. They didn't tell us that love isn't triggered or arrives with an appointment. They made us believe that each of us is half of an orange, and that life only makes sense when we find the other half. They didn't tell us that we were born whole, that no one in our lives deserves to carry on their shoulders the responsibility of completing what we lack: we grow through ourselves. If we are in good company is only more enjoyable. They made us believe in a formula called “two in one”, two people thinking alike, acting alike, that this was what worked. They didn't tell us that this has a name: annulment. That only as individuals with their own personality can we have a healthy relationship. They made us believe that marriage is mandatory and that untimely desires must be repressed. They made us believe that the beautiful and thin are more loved, that those who have less sex are straight, that those who have sex a lot are unreliable, and that there will always be an old slipper for a clubfoot. They just didn't say that there are many more crooked heads than club feet. They made us believe that there is only one formula for being happy, the same for everyone, and those who escape it are condemned to marginality. They didn't tell us that these formulas go wrong, frustrate people, are alienating, and that we can try other alternatives. Oh, they didn't even tell you that no one will tell. Each one will have to find out yourself. And then, when you are very much in love with yourself, it will be very happy to fall in love with someone. MEDEIROS. Martha.

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