— Part II: ___________________________________________ I approached him like a lioness, feeling part of the sun outside burning on my chest. He sat on the couch, and I immediately knelt down, crawling towards his legs and climbing up with my hands until I found the cock that had already made my mouth water so much. Then, I was the one who returned his lingering gaze, making the seconds turn into an eternity before kissing him all over – like a blowjob, yes: that vulgar word that makes my mouth fill with pleasure. And how delightful it was to watch a person with a cock melt like that in your mouth, with the muscles dancing to the rhythm of your hot tongue. I had barely swallowed when he also pulled me in for a kiss that tasted of his pleasure, at the same time he pulled me to his side on the couch and lay on my lap, with his face buried in my panties. — Are we even now? — I asked almost quietly, thinking he had dozed off. — No! Remember the last time? He had barely finished answering when he started taking my panties off with his mouth like a naughty boy. Oh, how I felt like cumming in that little mouth… and I did!