It is with great pleasure that I share with everyone another important certification: Neurolinguistic Programming Therapist. NLP is great for activating hormones that inhibit or provoke sexual desire. Through neurolinguistic programming, it is possible to break all the paradigms that are closed in our brain, also with regard to the practice of sex. Through NLP, we can act the way we want. That is: a very inhibited person may become uninhibited, etc. Anything can happen after we start the techniques. And what is most impressive is that even after abandoning the treatment, the NLP techniques continue to act in that brain, programming it to change the path of life. In the most productive phase of the human being, one of the main concerns is related to sexual life. So request a chat and we'll talk more about this important tool for improving sexual health and well-being!

TTG Congratulations on the achievement!! And thank you for being so special!