Cibele Malvada Offline Send a message Notify me when online Report Cancel 1 29 likes 07/12/2024 Publish Fun-2024 Welcome!!!! 01/20/2025 Thank you 💜 01/20/2025 luis-fe-45186 Do you come from the deep sky or do you come from the abyss, / O Beauty! your gaze, infernal and divine, Confusedly pours out the benefit and the crime, / And for this we can compare you to wine. Hymn to beauty (Charles Baudelaire) 07/12/2024 Thanks 07/17/2024 freederiko you delight 08/04/2024 Thank you dear, you are too ❣️ 08/04/2024 Cleisson-14359 Hi beautiful, TD, well, I'm sorry I'm answering you here, I'm out of balance, I accept, yes I will, I'll be very grateful to receive 08/02/2024 TD well love ❤️ 08/04/2024
Fun-2024 Welcome!!!!