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Last Seen: 4 days ago

Cesar 23cm Subscribe

  • 21 Reviews
554 Followers 986 Likes
Last Seen: 4 days ago


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Hoje é dia de comemoração!

Parabéns, Cesar 23cm! Há 2 anos, você fazia sua grande estreia no site. De lá pra cá foram muitos shows, muitas conquistas e, claro, muitos Seguidores e Crushes apaixonados. E todos concordam com a gente: é um prazer enorme fazer parte da sua história.

Cesar 23cm

Cesar 23cm

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Unique boy. There's no way to describe the person you are. Good people, polite, make people feel good. The company? It's not even said! The person feels like they've known you for years. It was the second opportunity I had with him, each one better than the last. The vision you carry infects anyone who is nearby. You are the type of person who can transform anyone's life. I'm glad there are people like you. You are stunning, a unique person, and an irresistible human being. Bro, you truly have many qualities and deserve all the praise, not only as a professional, but mainly as a person. All the luck of blessings to you!? best experience, it's so worth it! Much more beautiful in person, fragrant. A delicious cock, affectionate and at the same time naughty. The worst part is letting him go. Very delicious, very worth it! Good grip, good kiss, perfect body. A real macho! I already want more. It lasts all the time, I could feel this thick monument tSup

Cesar 23cm
wow, thank you very much, I don't even know what to say. S2 10/15/2023
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