Message with great affection, I want to share that, at this moment, I have chosen not to show my face completely. This decision is something that I consider important for ALL users of the site. I kindly ask that you understand and respect this choice. I know not everyone will agree, and that's okay. I established this rule and I would really appreciate it if you could follow it. If, for any reason, you decide to step away from my chat, I will understand and respect that decision. Please avoid insisting, as I have my personal reasons for this choice. Maybe, at a future time, I will decide to show it again. But for now NO!!! I promise that, if there is respect, I will do my best to provide a pleasant experience in our chat. I appreciate your understanding and patience.😊 PS: My little mouth works wonders 😈 *** When I'm online, I need to be more restricted with my audio usage due to the fact that I have a family member at home. I ask you to understand this need ***

kamauajamu 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿