Good morning loves. if you are going to call me, please let it be for chat ok.
Amores, to facilitate our meetings, I am now also available on my cell phone through PriveCall. I hope you !! bjs loves.

Hello my beautiful ... I will explain a little of the reasons that we models we asked many times "present" in exchange for something. Mtos users are in a hurry at the shows and want everything fast. We models receive by minutagem of the show, and we pay né mores accounts ... I will not even talk about our personal accounts but what I spend to be able to transmit a show with quality. We pay a high percentage for the site to be able to use the platform, so everything they spend does not come 100% for us. We spend with the internet (which does not come cheap), air conditioning that stays on for a long time because of the transmissions, lingerie and accessories (after all, they do not want a model wearing old clothes, right?), Light. Image) . So when chatting with the model take into account all this when it comes to demanding fast chat ... For those who stay in the room a little time with us we will not be asking for gifts to do the show (except some special requests). So be generous and kind ... After all we are here to bring a little joy to the day of you ... A good day to all and a great week =)

Good night, thank you. Dearest, good weekend.