30/01/2025She is beautiful, but it feels that getting her undressed is like pulling a tooth... slowly. My preference is to get it done in a few minutes so I can enjoy the next 20-30 minutes of nudity and performance (times the rate, wink.. wink..), rather than wait for 10-15 minutes just to get to the point of being asked for presents to finish it, by which point I already don't want to continue (and you can do your own arithmetic what generates more revenue from me), not even taking into consideration the likelihood of a customer to return in each scenario). I get it that some might take off right after the undies fall off, but I think this is just an occupational hazard on this site, and making everybody's experience less than enjoyable is not the answer.
A experiência na minha sala deve ser tão prazerosa para mim quanto para você e para me ver nua tem que no mínimo me deixar molhadinha antes e se não for capaz o esperado são os mimos para que tudo aconteça no seu 'tempo' 30/01/2025